Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Bonjourno! Spent the night in Venice for Meaghan's birthday and had so much fun. As you can see, took a gondola ride and did the other things one does in Venice. So beautiful. Also, can someone other than my dad and his bad dad jokes comment on our blog!!! (kidding dad, love your comments) Ciao!!!


  1. Venice is beautiful! And a gondola with pints! Nice! Last time I did that I was goin up to the Grouse Nest for dinner. Need Alex doing a few flirtatious fashion shots with his hair in a Karl Lagerfeld ponytail!

  2. Hey Guys,
    I believe you two are now qualified to answer a question that's been bugging me for years....Are Spirit of the West correct when they sing "Venice is sinking"?? :-)

  3. Hi!!! I would say that it isn't noticeably sinking but we asked on the gondola and the guy said that no one usually lives on the bottom floor of the apartment buildings because of floods and you can see that the canals sometimes wash into the dorrways and stuff, so I would say yes! Miss you!!
